Fine Policy


Starting from ECD 2024, a fine policy for late cancellations and no-shows will be enforced. Below, you will find more information about what it entails. 

To compensate for the damage suffered by Econometric Career Days (such as rented rooms, purchased materials, reputational damage, etc.) and to give everyone a fair chance to participate in popular activities, we have implemented a fine policy. The fine policy is standard and no discussion is possible.

How to Unsubscribe

You can unsubscribe by sending a mail to This mail must include the following details:

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Activity you wish to unsubscribe from

  • Reason for cancellation

Fine policy

By participating in the Econometric Career Days, you agree to face a fine if you do not show up for an activity or cancel too late. The fine amount varies by event and the time of the cancellation. Cancellations must be made before 5:00 PM; otherwise, the fine for the following working day will apply. The fine increases as the event approaches. You can find the specific fine amounts per event and the timing of the cancellation in the table below:

Event Cancelled later than one day before event or no-show Cancelled one working day before event

Cancelled between 2 and 5 working days before event

Cancelled more than 5 working days before event
Presentation €15 €10 €7,50 €0
Case €35 €25 €15 €0
Informal Activity €35 €25 €15 €0
Dinner €40 €30 €20 €0
Fieldtrip €35 €25 €15 €0
Workshop €15 €10 €7,50 €0
Inhouse Day (First Year Students) €15 €10 €7,50 €0

For questions about the fine policy, please refer to the F.A.Q. below. If your question is not addressed, contact

Example scenario

You are selected for a case on Friday 17 November at 9:00 AM.

  • Cancel before or on 5:00 PM on Thursday 9 November: 
    If you cancel before this deadline, you will not receive a fine.
  • Cancel on or after 5:01 PM on Thursday 9 November:
    If you cancel at this time or later, you will receive a fine based on the date of cancellation.
  • Example:  
    If you cancel at 1:00 PM on Thursday 16 November, you will receive a fine of €25.

ECD Case

17 November 09:00 A.M.

Fine Amount

Cancelled later than 16 November 5:00 P.M. or no-show


Cancelled between 15 November 5:00 P.M. and 16 November 5:00 P.M.


Cancelled between 09 November 5:00 P.M. and 15 November 5:00 P.M.


Cancelled before 09 November 5:00 P.M.



1. Are there exceptions to the fine rules? ​​

Yes, exceptions may be made for valid reasons such as medical emergencies. Participants should still cancel as soon as possible, and the case will be reviewed for a final decision regarding the fine. There is no room for an exception if you contact the Econometric Career Days later than 2 weeks after the fine is issued.

The amount of the fine and whether or not it will be deducted is non-negotiable. The Econometric Career Days obligates herself to be cautious when handling out a fine. Demonstrable errors will be taken into treatment, and if necessary, corrected. The debt collection of the fine will be communicated to the student at least two weeks before.

2. What if a participant cannot cancel due to uncontrollable circumstances?

When a participant is not able to sign off because an event occurred beyond their control, the participant needs to contact the Econometric Career Days within two (2) weeks after the fine is given. The Econometric Career Days will look into the case and take a final decision about the fine.

3. When and how will the fines be collected?

All fines will be collected via direct debit in June. A reminder about the debit date will be sent 2 weeks in advance. 

4. Does the fine policy also apply to the ECD Talks and the Closing Party?

No, the fine policy does not apply to the ECD Talks and the Closing Party. However, it is still very much appreciated if you cancel your ticket when you cannot attend since there are limited spots for these events. This will allow other participants the opportunity to attend.